Volunteer With Us

Volunteer With Us


Dear friends, my name is Tsering Gyalpo and I am the founder of Children of the Universe (COU) children home located in Tokha Municipality of Kathmandu. I started Children of the Universe (COU) in 2011 with the help of some international donors and Nepali friends. 

At the moment, there are 36 children from the ages of 5 years to 15 years in COU. All the children come from very poor and under-privileged family background and their parents cannot send them to school. Many of the children do not have parents. 

COU provides these children with education, food, shelter, and a proper family environment. The children go to school in the morning and return to the home in the evening. The children are very happy at COU and we are proud to be able to offer them a second home. There are also 6 staffs including cooks, helpers, and teachers. They work very hard for the children. 

In the past few years we have hosted several Volunteers at COU. Almost all of these volunteers have found the volunteering experience very rewarding and enjoyable. If you are also looking for volunteering opportunity in Nepal, COU children home could be a great choice for you.

Tasks for Volunteers at COU include helping the children in washing and tidying up, helping in cooking and serving dishes, engaging with the children through games, dancing, singing, and other tasks depending on the preference and skill of the volunteer. 

Volunteers are expected to interact and engage with the children and make the stay enjoyable for both the children and themselves. Volunteers are also expected to make a basic minimum contribution to cover the cost of their own food. Volunteers will be accommodated at the COU guest rooms.

Donations in the form of cash, cloths new and old (good condition) for children, toys, stationery will be gratefully accepted.

If you would like to know more about Children of the Universe, please visit www.cou.org.np Or contact me tseringhosher@gmail.com

Phone: + 977 9851218680




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Dennis Germany

Dennis Germany


Helping hands are glorius

Children Need Your Help